One of the most important measures of a healthy community is how well its residents treat the community around them. Our proud tradition of Sharing Success guides our support of those in need. Our sponsorship program provides $1.3 million annually to charitable and non-profit organizations based in Saskatchewan. Our focus is on supporting initiatives that benefit children and youth, Elders, people who require social, physical or economic help, and those with disabilities.

Our vision of Sharing Success grows out of the teachings of our Elders and their belief in sharing our land, one of our guiding principles Wîtaskêwin. Today, Wîtaskêwin refers to sharing our resources. Each year, we support hundreds of organizations and events that are making a difference in our communities.



  • Step 1: Review the eligibility criteria
  • Step 2: Review the exclusions of the program
  • Step 3: Submit your application

You must apply online. This will help ensure your application contains all relevant information necessary for a thorough review and prompt consideration of your request.

We review all sponsorship requests as early as possible to ensure each gets a fair and consistent assessment through our transparent review process. We’ll notify you by email once we’ve made our decision. You must apply online for all requests for merchandise, in-kind, and funding.

If you’re a successful applicant, we will email you a questionnaire any time up to three months following your event. We ask that you please complete the questionnaire to ensure you remain eligible for future sponsorships.



Eligible organizations include those operating in Saskatchewan or within an 80-kilometre radius of our Gold Horse Casino in Lloydminster.

More detailed information, that you must review prior to your application, regarding eligibility and exclusions can be found on our SIGA website within our sponsorship page. Please click here to review this information



Please note that our Sponsorship Advisory Committee meets once a month. Submitted applications that are taking place within two months from a scheduled meeting will be evaluated. For example, if your event is in December and you apply in September, your application will likely not be evaluated by the committee until the October meeting.

If your application is submitted after a meeting date and takes place before the next scheduled meeting, it will not be evaluated by our team. For example, if a meeting is scheduled for February 14 and you apply on February 16 for an event taking place on March 1, your event may not be evaluated as it will be taking place before our next meeting on March 13.

Our recommendation is to apply six weeks before the start date of your event or initiative. Requests for sponsorship exceeding $10,000 must be submitted at least 120 days before the start date. However, we encourage all applications when you have the capacity to apply but there may be no guarantee for review on late applications. Below is our 2024/2025 Sponsorship Advisory Committee meeting schedule. Please note that these dates are subject to change at the committee's discretion. 

  1. Wednesday, April 9, 2025
  2. Wednesday, May 14, 2025
  3. Wednesday, June 11, 2025
  4. Wednesday, July 9, 2025
  5. Wednesday, August 13, 2025
  6. Wednesday, September 10, 2025
  7. Wednesday, October 8, 2025
  8. Wednesday, November 12, 2025
  9. Wednesday, December 10, 2025
  10. Wednesday, January 14, 2026
  11. Wednesday, February 11, 2026
  12. Wednesday, March 11, 2026 


Submit a new application